Free Speech & Time, Place & Manner (TPM)

Review the CSU System Time, Place & Manner Policy Information Here

San Francisco State University Addendum

Time, Place & Manner Exemption Request Form

San Francisco State University is dedicated to fostering an environment that promotes the free exchange of ideas, viewpoints, and various forms of expression. We are committed to an educational mission that protects the rights of all to learn, teach, and conduct research free from censorship. While these principles are essential to a university’s mission, they can sometimes lead to disagreements, frustration, and confusion, especially when the viewpoints expressed are not shared by all or seem to conflict with the university's values. The purpose of this webpage is to provide additional context for when such instances on campus occur and to highlight San Francisco State University's commitment to safeguarding diverse forms of speech, even when it might provoke feelings of discomfort, anger, or sadness. It is important to know that the protection of freedom of expression and diverse viewpoints is also a legally protected right in the United States.

Typically, SF State is a place of celebration, filled with learning, laughter, art, music, and meaningful connections. There are occasions, though, when programs and events, discussions and opinions evolve into heated debates or deepen ideological disputes. It is highly likely that you will encounter viewpoints that you disagree with or that are deeply unsettling and spark conflict, leading to frustration, hurt, or even existential fears.  Sometimes our necessary support for freedom of expression and academic freedom will not make our equal commitment to inclusion and belonging easy. But we must balance these commitments by protecting rights to free speech and providing supportive measures for those for whom this speech is wounding or even emotionally threatening.

 When campus speakers or events cause conflict, discomfort, or pain arrive, please know that there are many campus offices ready to support you. Every member of our campus community has access to the help they need during difficult times. San Francisco State University offers resources, support services, and community for those seeking compassion, inclusion, and understanding.

Additional Resources & Links: